Thursday 28 October 2010


If anyone set the Illuminati back by spilling a LOT of beans, and naming a lot of names,it is Fritz Springmeier, a strong Christian man who was among the first to bring the Illuminati to light and name the 13 families along with detailed histories.


In the following short article you can glean the type of man Fritz is. It was sent to Henry Makow and published May 10, 2010. This is followed up by the announcement of his release and then by links to some of his ground breaking work. If you have not read any of his work, I cannot impress upon you how basic it is for a true deep understanding of the world around us and a very intimate introduction to those who attempt to shape our lives, alas with too much success. The thing is, in reading his work, and through their being exposed to the light ~ imagine a night crawler finding itself under the glare of a hot noonday sun ~ you are also contributing to our survival. The more you know about the enemy, the better off you are.

Fritz Springmeier: A Message from Prison

You have been asking and seeking. As life hurries by, you see changes coming and new stages of life approaching. You may be instinctively clutching your possessions, creature comforts, and dear ones. I can't promise you tomorrow will be better. But now is not the time to lose our joy and hope. Now, more than before, is the time to love God even deeper, to encourage each other, to share our God given gifts,  and lastly, to center our lives around appropriate meaningful work for God and humanity.

In February 2003, I was given an 111 month Federal Prison sentence for allegedly aiding and betting a bank robbery. I had been serving a role in frustrating the NWO's negative agenda and as an observer and journalist with a Biblical perspective, exposing what was going on. I have been cut off from mainstream America, but I suspect many of you, dear readers (even though you are not in prison), also feel cut off from mainstream America. But we are not cut off from our source of strength, our Heavenly Father.

Some of you will naturally wonder how I've made out over seven years of captivity. I'm doing fine. I feel the love YHWH God and his Hand in my life. My body has survived the prison chow, the prison negativity and drama, and prison epidemics. The fact that my body can do at once over 27 pull-ups and over 65 pushups gives evidence that it still has strength. My personal autodidactic educational project has been the written and spoken Japanese language. Yes, I've been able to productively use my prison time, both educationally and spiritually. 

Before a year's time is passed, I will again be among you to celebrate life and liberty. Due to the various possibilities, I don't know when or where my release will occur. The release address may be Oregon. It remains to be seen how God working through events and people will re-establish my life. Perhaps you have a positive role to play in that. 

Feel free to drop me a line, and describe the landscape of your feelings, dreams and struggles, and your life in general.

FAITH, HOPE and LOVE... the greatest is LOVE.

Fritz Springmeier Released From Prison

October 28, 2010

I was elated to receive a letter today from my friend Fritz Springmeier informing me that he has been transferred to a halfway house in the Portland area.

He is there to find a job and accommodation after which he will be released on probation for five years. Under the terms of his probation he won't be able to do any political work but he hopes to be able to teach people to "make good decisions" in the hard times ahead.

He is able to work within a 100 mile radius of Portland. If you can help him find a job, or just want to wish him well, he can be reached at

Fritz was imprisoned in Feb. 2003 due to his research on the Illuminati and his work deprogramming victims of Illuminati mind control. His books "Bloodlines of the Illuminati" and "The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave" helped thousands learn about Illuminati control.

"There is a wave of positive divine energy creating a positive momentum to my release and to overcoming the difficulties in my path," Fritz wrote. "I have a good case officer and a good probation officer, and this is a good halfway house."

Fritz is still confined to the establishment and can only leave on supervised job hunting expeditions.

He writes that many people opposed to the New World Order need to put their own lives in order. "Many are just news junkies," he writes.

He foresees bad times and wonders if we are prepared spiritually. For example, if we are hungry, will we steal?


Who really controls world events from behind-the-scene?
Years of extensive research and investigation have gone into this massively documented work. In this 624 page, large format book, Fritz Springmeier discloses mind-boggling facts and never before revealed truths about the top Illuminati dynasties.
You’ll learn of the secretive, Chinese Li family, which operates with impunity in the U.S.A. and around the world.
Along the way you’ll find out,
  • why President John F. Kennedy and actress Grace Kelly were killed
  • who created the United Nations
  • who controls the two major U.S. political parties
  • how the Rothschilds invented and control modern-day Israel
  • who secretly founded false religions such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses,
...and much, much more. A literal encyclopedia of rare, unbelievable information!
Discover the amazing role these bloodlines have played - and are now wielding - in human history, with family names such as:
Interconnected families:


  1. Hey Noor,..Absolutely fabulous post; plenty of reading and note taking for the weekend, thanks...

    Salam Aleikum


  2. Hey Noor,..I have just reviewed my comment and I must apologise; It's late here and I am sooo tired....

    please delete/oblique:

    "Salam Aleikum" for "As-Salam Alaikum".

    your appreciative reader,



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