Friday 10 December 2010


Jamila Al Habash
This young woman has many lessons to teach us all.

December 05, 2010
Mark Votier,
Press TV, Paris

The hell that was the Israeli onslaught on Gaza just two years ago. Tel Aviv says it was in retaliation for rocket fire from Hamas on southern Israel. The conflict yielded grim statistics ~ just over 300 Palestinian children killed ~ and more than 1600 kids wounded. Jamila Al Habash was one of them ~ 14 at the time. An exploding Israeli shell changed her life forever.

Jamila is in France to meet the doctor who will fit her prosthetic legs and the Palestinian support groups here who are helping to pay for her treatment.

Jamila's face is already familiar to some of her new friends in France - thanks to this photograph taken by the German artist Kai Wiedenhofer in the aftermath of the conflict. It's one of a collection currently on display at the Paris Museum of Modern Art ~ and Jamila has come to see it.

Unfortunately the museum authorities won't allow the media into the exhibition so that we can film Jamila looking at her own photograph. So we've relied on supporters to do that for us.

Blessed with her cheerful outlook, Jamila is rapidly being taken to people's hearts. 

She's also a symbol of the continued suffering and hardship in Gaza as a result of the Israeli blockade.

Jamila is appreciative of the kindnesses being shown to her.

Once again, a serene young victim of Israeli barbarism shows the world just what and who these people are. This child, in her seemingly calm acquiescence to the will of Allah, puts those who hurt her so under international scrutiny. There is nothing they can do to counteract such imagery; without saying a word, Jamila is a reluctant heroine, a silent condemnation of their inhumanity. Our hearts are with you ... and our prayers as well. 

Jamila is but one of thousands…

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