Saturday 18 May 2013


It is not uncommon for Palestinian solidarity activists to be told at one time or another that Judaism and Zionism are separate concepts, that Zionism is/was a secular movement, or even that Zionism and Judaism have little or nothing to do with one another. Some people (not just Jews) will tell you these things because they sincerely believe or want them to be true.

Above photo is of Abu Sakkar

What does the Judeo-Russian mafia got to do with the Boston Marathon bombing and the planned destruction of Syria and Iran? Read on to find out…

The oft spoken of New World Order is now much more than conspiracy or myth. The United States is now and has been little more than a colony, to be bled dry.

A 15-year-old girl from Southern California who attends a public high school tells the story of how she recently became aware of questions concerning the holocaust. After hearing the establishment's version of the 'shoah' in her history class for weeks along with persistent rumors that Obamacare included provisions for microchipping all Americans, she was very upset at all the frightening and traumatizing details. But then she had an encounter which led her to question what she had been taught, and decided to conduct her own investigation. 

Every so often we come across a secular Jewish ‘anti’ Zionist’  who argues that Zionism is not Judaism and vice versa. Interestingly enough, I have just come across an invaluable text that illuminates this question from a rabbinical perspective. Apparently back in 1942, 757 American Rabbis added their names to a public pronouncement titled ‘Zionism an Affirmation of Judaism’. This Rabbinical rally for Zionism was declared at the time “the largest public pronouncement in all Jewish history.”

In testimony before the US Senate Thursday, Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Robert Mueller continued the official cover-up of the advance warnings and extensive contacts between the FBI and other intelligence and security agencies and the suspects in the April 15 bombings at the Boston Marathon.

After the Communists took control of China in 1949 the US tried to encircle the country. They supported Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan, built military bases in Japan and backed a right-wing dictator in Thailand. One of Washington’s early objectives in Vietnam was to “establish a pro-Western state on China’s southern periphery.” 

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